Sunday, July 30, 2023

"Leave everything in the Hands of our Creator".

Pope Francis's thoughts after his stay in hospital.

"The walls of the hospitals have heard more honest prayers than any church....They have seen more sincere kisses than in any airport.....

It's in hospitals where you see a homophobic being saved by a gay doctor. A high society doctor saving the life of a Intensive Care you see a Jew taking care of a racist....both a police officer and a prisoner patients in the same ward receiving the same attention....

A wealthy patient in line for a liver transplant ready to receive the organ from a poor donor. It's at these times when hospitals touch personal wounds, when universes intertwine for a divine purpose and in this coming together of destinies, we begin to realise that alone we are nobody, nothing!

The absolute truth of a person, most times, only appears when severe pain is felt or the real threat is of definite loss.

The hospital, a place where the human being removes his mask and shows just how he is in his true essence.

This life passes quickly. Don't fight anyone, don't criticise your own body as much, don't complain as much, don't lose sleep worrying about unpaid bills.

Be sure to kiss your loved ones. Don't be so anxious about leaving the house immaculate. Goods and properties should be earned by each person, don't devote your time to accumulating inheritances. 
Keep the dogs nearer. 
Don't keep old mugs.
Use the new cutlery. Don't be mean with your favourite perfume, use it to go out even on your own. Use your favourite slippers, repeat your favourite clothes, who cares?

If it's all in order, why not now? 
Why not take a rest?
Why not call now?
Why not forgive now? We wait for Christmas, or Friday or next year or when we have more money or when we fall in love or when everything is perfect....

Look, perfection does not exist. 
The human being cannot reach it, simply because he was not made to become complete in this life.

This life is an opportunity for learning. So, enjoy this rehearsal of life and do it now....

Respect yourself, respect others.
Walk your own path and leave others to walk their own.

Respect all, don't criticise, judge or meddle. Love more, forgive more, give more hugs, live more intensely and leave everything else in the Hands of our Creator.

- Pope Francis

My take



Got up a trifle before 6, the chores.

Washing machinex of bed linen was ready by 10.

A quiet Sunday. 

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