Tuesday, July 4, 2023

News from France.

Riots continue for the fourth night.

* Historic buildings in France that survived bombardment in World War II, could not survive the 'cultural enrichment' of open borders.
* French police were fired on with American rifles, which may have come from Ukraine. Two modified large-caliber rifles by Accuracy International were seized from the rioters. The same rifles were supplied to Ukraine last summer.

A drive through a street in France. This is their condition.

* French nationalists are out with baseball bats to confront the Islamist mob, who possesses AK-47 and bombs and have taken positions on rooftops with rifles looted from police forces.
* A zoo has been forced open by the rioters.....even lions have been let out on the streets.

All these are by the asylum seekers from Africa and Asia whom the French welcomed happily and provided with all facilities and livelihood like many other European countries.

Europe, have you yet realised what you let in?

Now, coming to the Indian context....

5 crore illegal Bangladeshis and Rohingyas have been allowed to cross over surreptitiously and given refugee status by the previous governments to boost vote bank.

These rogues are now the Congress-backed rioters to pull down any regime other than the Congress. Their hand was seen in the anti-CAA riots and the ongoing Manipur clashes.

Hope the NIA is ruthless with them; never mind the fake cry of the Human Rightists!

Courtesy. What'sApp

My take

The dimension of the fifth columnists of our country is now becoming crystal clear!


Got up a trifle before 6, the chores and was ready by 10.

Off to Jishnu to give directions regarding a few payments to be made during the first fortnight of the month. Bought sundries from the National Supermarket.

A quiet evening amid the usual chores. 

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