Tuesday, July 30, 2024

A unique rain-appeasing strategy!

Donkeys are now the new stars in Madhya Pradesh. They have trotted into limelight thanks to a series of whimsical rituals and a high stakes search.

The locals of Mandsaur district face a dearth of rainfall. They got donkeys to plough a cremation ground with half-naked men leading them - a sight that surely left everyone not only mystified but amused. After the ritual, Sohan Singh Bhadauria and his team threw a lavish thank-you party for the donkeys, complete with gulab jamun. One can only guess what the donkeys thought of this unexpected gourmet experience. "Are we getting paid in sweets now?" they might have wondered.

About 615 km away in Chhatarpur, the scene was straight out of a fairy tale. Residents held a grand donkey wedding, complete with floral garlands and sweets, in an effort to woo the rain gods. The bride and groom donkeys were dressed to impress, though one can't help but wonder if they were secretly plotting their escape to greener pastures.

But the rain gods are yet to deliver!

Courtesy. Adapted from Anuraag Singh's article in the NIE


Got up at 5, the chores and was ready by a quarter to 10.

A thoroughly wet day.

Washed down our Chevy in the pouring rain.

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