Sunday, July 14, 2024

All about attitude!

An engineer in a car company designs a world class car. The CEO is impressed with the outcome and praised him a lot.

While trying to bring out the car from the manufacturing area to the showroom, they realised that the car is 2" taller than the entrance.

The engineer felt bad that he didn't notice this one before creating the car.

The CEO was confused on how to take it outside of the manufacturing area.

The painter said that they can bring out the car and there will be a few scratches on top of the car which could be touched up later on.

The engineer said that they can break the entrance, take the car out and later on re-do it.

The CEO was not convinced with any ideas and felt like it is a bad bad sign to break or scratch.

A watchman was observing all the drama and slowly approached the CEO. He wanted to give an idea if they had no problem.

They wondered what this guy would tell them that the experts could not give.

The watchman said, "The car is only a few inches taller than the entrance so, simply release the air in the tyre, the height of the car will sink and can be easily taken out"....

Everyone clapped!!!

Don't analyse the problems only from an expert point of view alone.

Life issues are also the same....

Think simple....Do simple and Live simple.  

Release some air.....It could be our 'anger'.....our 'disappointments'....our 'egos'....our 'confusions'....

In the end, it's all about "Adjusting the height" (Attitude), to make things easier in life and uncomplicate the things in life.

Because originally we are happy souls!

Courtesy. What'sApp


Got up at 5, washed up and recited a part of my prayers and sent the morning messages.

A morning cup of tea, from a tea stall, after Maman was administered insulin. Buns for breakfast!

Slept off for a while after doing up my work on the laptop.

Off to Jubilee Mission hospital to dress up Maman's wound and to look up Ammayi. She looks much better now!

Off to the Foundation, dropped Maman there and was off to Poojappura. Dr Prathapachandran delivered a lecture on 'After jail corrections' for convicts. An interesting lecture!

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