Wednesday, July 10, 2024


These beautiful lines by Robert Drake are worth a share...

I feel I want to go back in time....
Not to change things, but to feel
a couple of things twice...

I wish I was a baby for a while...
Not to be walked in the pram but
to see my mother's smile

I wish I could go back to school...
Not to become a child but to
spend more time with those
friends, I never met after school...

I wish I could be back in 
Not to be a rebel but to really
understand what I studied.

I wish I was a fresher at my 
Not to do less work but to recall
the joy of the first pay cheque.

I wish my kids were younger...
Not because they grew fast but
to play with them a bit more.

I feel I still had some more time
to live....
Not to have a longer life but to
know what I could give to others.

Since the times
that are gone can never come
back, let's enjoy the moments as
we live them from now on, to the

Let's celebrate our remaining 
life - every moment and every day.


Got up at 2, had washed up and recited my prayers and gone back to sleep only to be woken up by Maman at 5. The chores and took Maman to the DDRC lab at Sasthamangalam for taking fasting blood samples. Returned, had a leisurely grooming and set off for the Foundation by a quarter past 9.

Maman's post prandial blood sample was collected and fetched up at the Foundation.

Off to the regional office of the Kazhakkootam Skill Development office to meet Mr Rajendran, the Director. Handed over our complaints against Sasi Nadakkal.

Returned, soon after and reached the Foundation.

The evening's session by Sreeprakash went off okay. Maman and the others returned from the KIMS hospital after today's session.

Took Maman again out to administer Insulin.  


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