Sunday, April 18, 2010

Greed - the human failing!

As the media is over the top, covering the sleaze of the IPL saga and the sorry drama being played out by the concerned few(personally, feel sad about Tharoor as I’d begun to like him, thanks to a few interactions over a period of time and found him to be very approachable, with his head firmly on his shoulders despite his closeness to the people that matter). It’s the same old story all over again and one begins to wonder as to whether there’s anything in this country that’s left untainted!
Greed begets greed, period! To borrow a statement made by the media, ‘IPL is a circus where a few people are playing with others’ money and ploughing the profits into a few others’ pockets at a price’ – it definitely, is a win-win situation to all concerned but in this ‘bad’ game, at the ultimate level there were going to be some winners and yes, quite a few losers and the fight between them had to erupt some time or the other, bringing out the details of how a gentlemanly game has been reduced to a game of the fraudsters and the tricksters – in the never ending need of making money and still more money!! Why are these people doing this, fully aware of the fact, that it’s not the done thing? A case of ‘akrasia’, perhaps?
To say that money is not required in the pursuit of one’s happiness in living one’s life, is being naïve. But how much wealth is adequate enough, is, what many of us fail to ascertain throughout life, till death sorts out the dichotomy once for all. I don’t want to sound like a ‘holier-than-thou’ sort of a guy, but what baffles me is that quite a few of my contemporaries are always figuring out as to how more wealth can be generated and in the process, forget to live their today!
I don’t aspire to have a fat bank balance to spend holidays at exquisite places all over the world nor do I hanker to dine in five star environment and also, do I find the need to rub shoulders with the rich and the famous (I must admit, that it’s not that they’re desperately seeking my company, but then!). By not being concerned about such issues, am I being a fool? Is their anything wrong with me for wanting to be just what I am and for being contended with what I have, which is too less in the conventional sense?

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