Wednesday, February 15, 2012

In life, everything happens in a cyclic!

Yes, I can say this with what I've seen and experienced, though, I must admit that I'm still hesitant to establish it as a postulate! Everything in one's life happens to take a cyclic path and to underscore it, let me tell you this story.

I've transferred some money from my personal account to a cousin of mine who's going through tough times. I'd heard his tragic story from him on my dad's cremation day. I was seeing the youngster after more than two decades and must confess that I didn't even know of his whereabouts all this while. So I was elated to see him and had talked to him soon after the ceremony. His story was saddening in that he was on the verge of donating his kidney along with that of his wife's, to collect funds for riding over a bad debt. I don't know as to what'd prompted me then but I promised to send him the requisite amount soon after I got back to my workplace and on getting the funds organised! And I took an assurance from him that he would no longer harbour crazy thoughts to generate funds. Having said that anyone, who concludes that I've enough moolah to splash around, on reading the narration is way off the mark from the actual fact. I'd agreed to this action of mine due to the following:-

      (a) Couldn't digest the fact that someone close to me was in such a hopeless state.
      (b) If he'd taken the extreme step subsequently, I would never ever be able to forgive myself for
      not providing succour at the right moment.
I've not asked him as to when he'd return the amount because, as of now, I'm pretty sure that he'd be unable to answer that question in his present state. May he become financially sound without much ado and I'm sure he'd do the needful.

But what brings me to my story is that, many years back, my dad had helped his dad to tide over a similarly tough situation by transferring ownership of a prime piece of ancestral property that he'd rightfully inherited, to his dad for free, without any remuneration. A case of history repeating itself!    

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