Saturday, July 7, 2012

An emotional rendezvous.

We'd fetched up at Nasik earlier than scheduled and I must thank the Indian Railways for making this possible. But I would be failing in my duty if I didn't mention the agony it caused Kannan, the in flight caterer, as many people who owed him money for his services had got off the train without paying him - some of them would have genuinely forgotten in the hurry to detrain while some others would have deliberately 'forgotten'.

The thrill that my uncle and aunt expressed, on seeing us, cannot be quantified but the emotions expressed is something that will always remain etched in memory and I'm glad that I could make it possible. The programme for the morrow was chalked out, discussed and the "golden couple's" endorsement taken before we went about our other routine stuff.

The walk, in the evening, was a much needed exercise though the streets were crowded, noisy and mad - the motorists, out here, are of a different genre altogether as almost all of them drove their vehicles with a gay abandon and seemed to be oblivious of the ilk called pedestrians!  

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