Saturday, October 26, 2013

Another hectic day.

We could finally kick off for Guruvayur by 7. My cousin had to be picked up on the way as I needed his expertise in interior designing for our house that's slowly being brought up to habitable standards as the date of our shifting in, looms near. It has a sentimental angle, in that, had his dad - my dad's youngest brother - been around he'd have actively involved himself in the making of my house, a desire that he'd expressed quite often during our interactions.

The drive was nice, the traffic manageable and we could reach the spot much before 10. There were a lot of people that had to be met so that detail instructions could be given for tying up a host of little things prior to our final shifting. This trip was formalised after a lot of juggling around of events, tying up with the various individuals involved and after three aborted attempts! And it was good that it had taken place today because we could correct the truss work, according to our requirement, before it was completed.

And in the process of meeting up with the groups, I'd forgotten to punch in my thoughts within the correct time slot. And boy, didn't I feel miserable for the slip which was of my own doing? I'd carried my laptop with me for the purpose but had completely forgotten about what I'd planned to do, in the enthusiasm of overseeing the work in the house and giving instructions to the executors of the project.

And soon it was kick off time back for Kochi, after lunch at our regular eating place. The drive was nice and we're back in time so that I could keep my date with my evening walk!


1. The housewarming will be on 20 Nov and no, I don't intend making it an extravagant event. It shall be a day of prayers, essential religious ceremonies carried out on such occasions and a meal for the men and women who'd made it all possible. I've begun telling my friends and relatives about the big day with the rider, "No gifts, only wishes but if you still insist that you must, then do discuss with me and I shall tell you as to what needs to be done". The usual response has been a loud guffaw but I really mean by what I say because the house gets cluttered with a whole lot of things, of which, many never fit into the scheme of things and lie, gathering dust, in some remote corner of the house!

2. Getting a land line telephone connection seems to be tedious especially when the house is not situated in the path of the existing lines as it is in our case. With the availability of cellphones, does one require it, one might ask but it has the following advantages:-
     (a) it circumvents the twin problems of call drops and lack of coverage - frequent occurrences in
     (b) it gives the owner a 'proof of residence'.

3. And of course, the water from the municipality's distribution line also needs to be streamlined. Hope it's not gonna be a long wait, the water currently being pumped in from the well, notwithstanding!

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