Wednesday, March 30, 2022

10 Remarkable stories.

Wonder whether I've told you these stories earlier but never mind, they're worth reading again......and again.

  1. She was very excited today, after all the school was re-opening after a long summer break. Now, once again, she could start selling stationery at the traffic signal to feed her family. 

  2. She, a renowned artist and a strict mother, often scolded her 6-year-old son for he could never draw a line straight. As he breathed slowly into the ventilator, she begged him to make one more crooked line on the ECG.

  3. "Everyone goes with the flow......but the one who goes against it becomes someone remarkable". Before I could explain this to the traffic police, the man issued me a fine.

  4. Their love was different. She was happy every time he kicked her in the stomach. Every time he kicked she loved him more. She waited for the time she would hold her baby for the first time.

  5. All my toys are yours.....! Read her brother's death note.

  6. They took his father and only returned a flag.

  7. At 25, I became a mother of one; at 27 I became a mother of three! My son got married today and brought home his wife!

  8. "Born to rich parents, this boy is so lucky", exclaimed the neighbours! Somewhere in heaven, three unborn sisters cried.

  9. "You ruined my career, I was supposed to be an Executive Director", she thought to herself. The little angel held her finger tightly and she forgot everything; A mother was born.

10. Once a 5-year-old boy was standing barefoot in the shallow water of the ocean. He was repeating the same sentence to the waves - "Even if you touch my feet a thousand times, I won't forgive you for taking my parents away.

Courtesy. What'sApp.

My take

Breath taking! Aren't they?


Got up at 5, the chores and was ready by 9. Ramjit had brought down our luggage from the room (Room no.161 on the first floor) and we left soon after. Two disturbing things happened - the car's air conditioner had gone for a toss and I couldn't think of driving all through with the windows rolled down and I misjudged my parking at the Panampilli Nagar and had the port forward part of the Chevy dented.

Caught an auto rickshaw (Pramod) to go to AKP Metals on Broadway to buy a gift for Suresh's daughter - our new neighbour, who's getting the puja done in the new house, along with the house warming. After return, we kicked off to Katari Bagh to buy things from the canteen, Oyster Bay. And by now, the car's air conditioner was back on stream! A tantrum, perhaps!!

Unfortunately, the canteen was closed for stock taking but I could buy spirits! Met Commodore and Mrs Beena Pavithran and we promised ourselves to keep in touch. He was in class X when I'd joined school in class VII in 1967. We left Ernakulam by a quarter past 12 and opted for the route via Kodungalloor but there were surprises, in store for us, at Guruvayur and Sajish, the cabbie, talked me to The Quarterdeck through narrow single lane pocket roads. An auto rickshaw chap scratched my Chevy's starboard quarter in one of the tight turns! The arterial road in front of our house was being resurfaced and therefore, cordoned off from traffic. Our Municipality takes the cake for doing things furtively!

Reached home by 4 and Kittu had dropped by for his food. After a quick wash and change, Lekha and I had gone across to our new neighbours to wish them well.

Lekha's doctor rang up to tell us that her PT-INR was normal and my Ophthalmologist has asked me to report to her tomorrow afternoon at 1.

Washing machinex and clothes were put on the line to dry. Hit the sack at our usual time.


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