Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Thank you, US......our profound gratitude to you.....

* We thank the US, for blocking the sale of Cray XMP-24 supercomputers to India. It spurred CDAC to design our own Param.

* We thank the US, for blocking cryogenic rocket engines sales to India. It spurred our ISRO, to develop our own cryogenic rocket engines.

* We thank the US for sending the 7th Fleet to attack India, in the liberation war of Bangladesh. It allowed us to test Indo-Russian friendship in the crucible of conflict.

* We are grateful to the US, for the CNN racist coverage of the Bombay terror attacks, where we found their only interest was in counting white fatalities. It taught us to take their version of news as one side of the story only.

* We thank the US, for denying us GPS data, when India was facing the Kargil invasion from Pakistan. It spurred us to develop our own NaVIC, which will serve us in every future conflict.

* We thank the US, for calling the Chinese invasion of Galwan, as a bilateral matter. It set us free to call any US/NATO conflict in the same language : a bilateral matter.

* We thank the US, for never defending a democracy, from PM Mohammed Mosaddegh in Iran, to PM Sheikh Mujibhur Rehman of Bangladesh. It helped us recognise and develop our might, that being a democracy has nothing to do with US support and spurred and spurred us to depend on ourselves and be self reliant, to develop our own small nuclear triad and to be clear, that there will be no help coming when attacked.

* We thank the US, for funding Pakistan, when US soldiers were being killed with that finance. It taught us that only juntas and dictators are beloved for Langley and Pentagon.

* We thank the US, for its bluster, at the Iraq invasion and again at the Ukraine invasion, to try and dictate to us, which gives us the habit of making our own decisions, in the midst of squawking noises and arm-twisting the US.

Thank you.....US!

Courtesy. What'sApp

Fully in consonance with this post. Thank you, US!


Got up at a quarter past 6, the chores and was ready by 10. Earlier carried out the usual Wednesday 'aarathi' of the house.

Saw the matinee show of Mammootty's 'Bhishma parvam' at the Appa's Cinema. Enjoyed it.


At the beginning of the Assembly elections for Goa, Manipur, UP, Uttarakhand and Punjab, the opposition ganged up to start the 'hijab controversy' in Shivamogga, Karnataka and the silly stunt died away by end Feb when the elections almost got over. Then they criticised the Indian government's inaction (?) in evacuating Indian students from war-ravaged Ukraine (The script was more or less clearly visible when a few of those wretched students on reaching their motherland bad-mouthed PM Modi and the central government. Varun Gandhi - yet-another-good-for-nothing-Gandhi-scion - making nasty statements on the issue without verifying the facts on ground). And today, comes the latest when Akhilesh Yadav and gang smell certain defeat and talk about a 'massive-EVM-fraud'. 

Can't these guys, at least, be good losers?  

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