Monday, October 24, 2011

Remixes - the cons!

These days the trend of remixes is catching on and what bewilders me is that such a musical hotchpotch has a sizeable following.

A number that gathers popularity or widespread appeal could be due to the beauty of its lyrics, the musical score on which the lyrics ride or if it has a filmy background, then the scenes on which the song is picturised - either individually or collectively. And such a number is ageless - it's enjoyed by generations over the years. Remixes are tried on those ageless numbers and to my opinion, the first casualty is the longevity of the numbers!

It needs to be accepted that there's no dearth of talent at any given point of time but what undergoes a change is the choice of music being made, based on the popular sounds and beats of the times. Remixes, that are currently the rage, originate from this school of thought. And one has no right to trash them outright just because one doesn't savour it.

But my humble appeal to the young talent is that they should give us the privilege of hearing their original scores which showcase their talent coupled with the prevalent music of the times. Let their music, then, transcend time and generations!   

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