Saturday, October 29, 2011

The beginnig of the end?

The scenes of my aunt's final moments in her earthly form have taken me on an emotional roller coaster and the loss is yet to register - rather, I can't believe that her smiling visage will now remain only as a painful memory.

On the 'pundit's ' instructions, as I broke her toes free from the knot tied with a piece of string and removed the cotton wool from her nostrils as she lay still on the pyre, I was overcome with emotions and couldn't help but cry at the thought of never being able to see her in this form, ever, in my life. Was her soul somewhere in the vicinity then, taking in my discomfiture and laughing at my ignorance about the truth of life? Or had her soul already attained its final destination and become one with the universal soul by then? Or had her soul taken another form and if so, what is it?

It's a fact that the zest for life keeps a human being going despite the many travails that he undergoes in the course of his personal life. But the zest takes a huge dent when people close to him leave for their eternal life(no wonder they say that 'parting is a little death').

And it's the beginning of his end, perhaps?

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