Friday, March 23, 2012

Vodka therapy and traversing distances.

I just wanted to share a couple of behavioural traits of two gentlemen that I'd interacted with on my recent sojourn. I suppose, it's these qualities that keep both of them ticking and endearing to me. It confirms the fact that if one's a steely determination nothing can prevent one from achieving one's objective.

(a) The vodka therapy.

The first gentleman has a strange skin condition and the poor guy is constantly at pains to put away the urge of itching while on business, in public. Over a period of time, through a process of elimination, he's found to his absolute relief that by applying vodka on his body, he's able to keep the discomfort away, albeit for a short while. He'd realised this when he'd accidentally spilled vodka onto his body during a crazy afternoon at a club. And mind you, despite his discomfort, he has a great way of interacting with the others with positive vibes emanating from him always and the wonderful ability to laugh at himself.

(b) Traversing distances.

The second gentleman didn't think twice to come over and spend time with me despite the fact that he was quite far away. While apologising for causing him the agony of traversing great distances, his justification - of looking forward to an interaction with me and consequently, time well spent - brought a lump in my throat.

It was with these fine guys, that I'd the privilege of interaction over breakfast, before pushing off to the airport for my return to Kochi. Tough guys, disarmingly simple in outlook but possessing steely determination in whatever they do are their hallmark and I'm glad that I've them as my friends. May god be with you in your endeavours! 

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