Thursday, June 5, 2014

The day just whizzed past!

It was a normal day like any other with the hint of a rain all through and the resultant humidity sapped one's energy. I'd ventured out in the morning for bank work and for stocking up mom's medicines for the month. We're expecting guests - my neighbour refers to them as 'bouncers' in his slang - during the latter part of the day and therefore, a few knick-knacks had to be bought from the grocer's.

It's Lekha's birthday by the Malayalam calendar and she'd gone on an early morning appointment with the good Lord - her first independent outing after our coming here, overcoming the aches and the pains - chauffeured by the efficient Anto, who's become part of the household with his winsome manners!

Our guests - the newlyweds of the family, Sakthi and Indu - fetched up a trifle before sunset and had opted to go to the temple soon after. Just like any other new couple, they seemed to have no sense of time and went about their chores at their own pace. We let them be on their own, carefully avoiding to stray into their precious moments of togetherness but had to draw them to conversation, before dinner time, to get to know more about the young lady who's joined the family!

And finally, it rained, easing out the oppressive temperatures. I'd also received a mail from Minhaj, the son of my good friend, Captain Khan, albeit after my pungent barb for him not having replied to my earlier mail. The poor guy was actually battling it out with his personal problems what with his dad in the ICU of a Delhi hospital thanks to a problematic lung condition and his wife suddenly taking ill with an abnormally low platelet count in her blood - hope she isn't another case of SLE and have asked him to have that ruled out by the attending doctor since the illness is very difficult to diagnose! The young man and the entire family are now in Singapore and things seem to be in hand, at least for now!

And to use my neighbour's slang - in jest though - another 'bouncer' would be fetching up for lunch tomorrow in the form of my mom's younger brother. He'd called up to announce his programme late in the evening.


Yes, indeed, the day'd just whizzed past!


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