Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Limbering up, yet again.

I can't really say that the day was hectic because there was a lot to do but plenty of slack time was available in between.

The first activity was to get our bags ready for the hospital admission tomorrow. Since we'd already gone through a similar exercise last week the actual effort was minimal and the bag was ready much before lunchtime. My classmate, Vijayakumar, along with his family, had arrived by sunset for an overnight stay. Earlier, I'd told him about Lekha's impending hospitalisation but he was still eager to stay at our place assuring that they'd leave tomorrow by 9, when we're to proceed to the hospital! And I didn't have the heart to say 'nyet' because I was also keen on having him on board!

We shifted our personal effects to mom's bedroom while the other two were readied for the foursome. Lekha had already decided to give them a full fledged dinner instead of the earlier plan to go out. Her assistant had indeed done a good job.

My classmate out here, Ramanujan and Prema, had dropped by and interacted with the Vijayakumars before they left to have an evening visit to the temple. They'd returned by a half past 9 and then we got on to a regular singsong session! In between, ideas and thoughts were exchanged making their visit very meaningful.

For them, the visit to the temple also had a great meaning because their vow of getting their son and his wife to pray and do a special puja after the couple had gone through bad times while at the US, was fulfilled!

Thanks Vijayakumar and family for making the day very special for us in the bargain.


Everyone who'd come in today, missed mom. The Ramanujans had got Aryan, their grandson just to meet her!  

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