Thursday, May 21, 2015

The surgery.

The countdown for the surgery had begun last night itself at 10, when Lekha was told not to have any food or water from then on.

There were two more pricks before turning in for the night - one was a test dose for an antibiotic and the other for the insertion of the 'canula' into one of her veins through which infusions would be given intravenously over the next few days at the hospital! I saw her cringing, anticipating the pain, especially after the recent traumatic experience but the sister who'd done it this evening was not only an expert but also a patient gal!

Lekha's doubt about her last year's surgery being without needle pricks had to be cleared against the non availability of the 'Hyper Baric Oxygen Therapy' system. This time the healing of the wound would require antibiotics and perhaps, pain killers in the beginning.

I was up by 0430h, went through my chores and said my prayers. I'd quietly slunk off from the room to have a cuppa' tea at the canteen nearby because I didn't want to have it when Lekha wasn't able to have her's. Some might dub it as non-pragmatic behaviour but there are certain sentiments deep within that can never change!

She was wheeled into the pre-operative ward by a quarter to 8. The phones were completely abuzz with friends and family wanting to know the minute to minute of the happenings here. I was called into the post operative ward by about a quarter to 12. Did I see that overwhelming look of relief on her face on seeing me and her smile told me that all was okay. Soon after, the doctor had called me in again to explain the entire surgery and the proposed actions to heal the wound during the stay out here.

And yes, we'd got a more comfortable room on the third floor by 7 o'clock in the evening. Lekha was wheeled into the room direct, from the post operative ward around that time. Earlier she'd her first meal in the form of buns and a cup of tea that I'd collected from the local restaurant near the hospital gate.

The day of the surgery had gone off peacefully, phew and our second day, at the hospital, has also got ticked off on the calendar, in the bargain!


Sometime in the evening, my good friend Arun Nandy had called up inviting us to his daughter's wedding at Calcutta on 06 Jun. I'll have to see as to how I'm gonna pull it off - attending the wedding, I mean, because we're good friends and I know that it will mean a lot to him!

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