Wednesday, November 9, 2016

An inevitable change.

Today was the last day that Preetha, Lekha's assistant, had worked for us. She'd come into our household sometime in Jan '15, soon after the earlier maid Sathiamma's requirement of being continuously at the bedside of her ailing husband necessitated her leaving us. Since then, her presence and eagerness to assist Lekha and Mom, whenever it was required was a great boon. In fact, I'd gone on tours absolutely sure that she would be able to take care of situations that presented themselves out of the blue and mind you, there were quite a few that had cropped up! The credit for our kitchen garden being what it is today must go to her.

When we used to go away on tours, one of the three house keys was given to her because she could be relied upon and I've often heard Lekha pass instructions over the phone, to find a scrumptious dinner waiting for us on return! Her husband - a casual labourer who could be depended upon for doing any work - and two sons constitute her small world. Everyday, she used to fetch up by about a half past 9 after seeing her younger son off to school and leave 'The Quarterdeck' by about 3 in the afternoon.

She has two sisters and a brother who're pretty close to each other. Their mother stays with the son and it's they who'd be overseeing the prolonged treatment that she has to undergo. One of her kidneys has been damaged beyond repairs, necessitating its removal as puss has formed within. She's been under treatment all this while but from what she said to us, it has now reached a point of no return. She'll go through a week's absolute rest to reduce the inflammation and to ascertain as to whether the surgery could be averted, though the doctor has said otherwise.

As she took leave of us this afternoon, we'd asked her to keep us informed about her medical state. We saw her eyes filming and a sadness that she'd never be able to get back here because of her delicate health. We, too, were sad because she has been of a great help and Lekha and I can never forget the manner in which she had looked after my mom, especially in her last days!

May your medical woes be brought under control, Preetha. We shall pray for you!


So, Donald Trump is the 45th President of the United States. From what has surmised, his victory would have been a landslide had the entire lot of Republicans stood with him and the media not been so hostile. Will he be able to tame the Washington DC's bureaucracy is the next question that seems to be on everyone's mind. Here's wishing you success in your endeavour, Mr. Trump and by the way, your victory speech was appropriate and on the right lines! Heartiest congratulations!!

Till a substitute takes her place, things are gonna be tough and yes, I'll be helping Lekha with the dishes!

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