Sunday, July 7, 2019

All is well!

Pramod and Reshmi are a young couple staying at Indira Nagar at Bangalore. They have two children, live life on their terms and are quite a popular and acceptable couple among their friends because of their warmth, helpful nature and gregariousness.

Pramod is a software engineer working in a multinational company. He is hardworking and sincere and is much sought after in his working environment because of his knowledge, perseverance and never-say-die attitude. He sits through late in the night, often getting into bed much after midnight, many a time, beyond 2.

By that time he would have played his many roles to the hilt - the thorough professional at the office and on reaching home, the doting father, who tells bedtime stories to his children and lullaby them to sleep, the loving husband who shares his dreams with his young wife after ascertaining as to how her day had passed and finally, settles down at his work station at home to prepare for another new day.

Things were idyllic and everything was going hunky dory for the well knit family when tragedy struck, a fortnight ago. Pramod had dropped his children at school, was entering his office along with his friend when he suddenly collapsed. Luckily for him, his friend didn't waste even a second and had rushed him to a nearby hospital.

As he was rushed into the ICU, the doctor-in-attendance realised that the young man's heart had ceased to function. Resustication process was initiated and according to the doctor, "the process is carried out for a certain period of time and if there's no response within that time, the patient is declared dead. But in his case, something told me that I should press on for a while more and I did just that". And lo and behold, Pramod's still heart kicked back to life!

The doctor had dashed out of the ICU to urge the family to pray for Pramod. He's out of danger. He'd a massive block in one of his arteries and in such a case the standard practice is to put the patient through the paces of an open heart bypass surgery but in the youngster's case, the doctor had introduced a stent through angioplasty, instead.

Pramod has recouped well and should be out of the hospital tomorrow. The doctor has asked the family to be prepared to register the restrictions that he was gonna clamp down with regard to work, food and rest on the young man, which he's to follow strictly for the next few months. They have also been permitted to ask all their doubts when they meet him.

I was speaking to Rajan maman, Pramod's dad-in-law and my uncle from Ettumanoor, this evening. He's a greatly relieved man and was preparing to receive Pramod at home tomorrow!


Had got up late because we'd hit the sack late last night at about a half past 12. Went through the chores and we kicked off for Raj Nivas by a half past 10. Enroute, we'd visited Bharathi chechi - Padmakumar's elder sister - and then, Pidavoor amma. We reached Raj Nivas by about a quarter past 6.

I had a tete-e-tete with mom and dad before settling down to a quiet evening with Lekha. 

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