Monday, July 15, 2019

At the Rajah Hospital, twice.

Had got up much earlier than usual with Lekha's discomfort becoming a deep cause for worry. I was flummoxed regarding the action to be taken and was systematically, going through the various plans of action. I'd, last evening, called up the hospital lab to send its sample drawing team by 7 but they did have an administrative problem. Since my request was put across quite late, the team was only going to arrive at our house by 8! That was gonna be too late for Lekha and it was decided that she would not be going through the rigmarole.

The team of two sisters had come around a 5' past 8 and my blood sample was drawn. My liver has attained normalcy - Bilirubin is 1.1, SGOT is 45 and SGPT is 38.

We'd fixed up an appointment to meet Dr(Mrs) Sodhi and eventually met her around a half past 11. She had advised medicines and put Lekha on antibiotics. She'd also said that if she felt that there was no improvement, she would fix up an appointment with the surgeon, Dr Mohammad Rafi. At about a half past 3, I'd called up Dr Sodhi, who got us an appointment with the surgeon at a half past 4. Accordingly, we were back in the hospital and had a fairly long wait. Finally when we met him around a half past 6, he'd pinned down the problem as inflammation of the Parotid gland. He wanted Lekha to be admitted so that they could administer the injections, intravenously.  To my query, he said that his dad was a fan of the late Mohamed Rafi and had named him after the legendary singer. 

I'd taken the decision of avoiding the admission and arriving everyday from home! The injections have to be taken twice a day with a time gap of 12 hrs. By the time the entire procedure was over, it was a quarter past 7 and I could book for an ultrasonic scan of the affected part in a nearby hospital, tomorrow morning around 0930 hrs. Her 'complete blood count' was devoid of any alarming readings and the parameters were well within limits, which was heartening!

We returned home by a quarter to 8, went through our chores and had a comparatively early evening. Lekha's swelling on her cheek seems to have gotten big; was it because of the pressure exerted by the doctors to arrive at the correct prognosis, I wonder?

Sent a mail about the day's events to doctors Shenoy and Jyoshid as they are aware about Lekha's medical problems.


Noticed an old lady sitting on a wheel chair, awaiting her turn with the doctor. She could not shift around unless and until her attendant came and did that for her but does anyone have such patience?  Life, for many people, ends up like that much to their exasperation.......perhaps!

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