Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Is there a sustained move to discredit Narendra Modi?

I think many in the opposition have not been able to stomach their defeat in the recently conducted general elections. It could also be that many of the leaders, who created the sham of a 'mahagathbandhan' during the elections, have slowly realised that their time to be in the seats of power - or to be the Prime Minister of the country which most of them cherished - has reached a dead end. So, has the negative propaganda that is very much in the air against the Prime Minister these days, been whipped up by this combined lot?

Take this case of a Christian friend of mine - his FB posts are quite vituperative and anti-Modi. We all have our own political ideologies, but till now we used to have a good laugh at the parties and their leaders' blatant flip flops. The change in his outlook made me sad, bewildered - and to my question as to whether his life had changed after Modi's rule, his answer surprised me and I quote, "Perhaps not. But life for many hapless people, especially the minorities and Dalits have".

To my reply that it was these very same people who have voted Modi back to power with a huge mandate, his retort flabbergasted me and I quote, "I have always credited you with better intelligence and still you believe that BJP came to power this year because the people voted for him? Obviously you haven't read/heard about 2 lakh EVMs missing from CEC's control, BJP IT cell hacking them to show maximum votes for BJP and then those EVMs being exchanged with the other EVMs in CEC's custody, before the results were announced". He would just not listen to my counter that such mammoth rigging would not have missed prying eyes, those whose political affiliation was with the other parties within the election commission and anyways, ill news travels far and wide.........What saddened me was that he and I had grown up in the same environment and have had a liberal education!   

And today, I hear that about 49 celebrities have protested about the rising intolerance - they've called it 'Lynchisthan' and have, in particular, termed 'Jai Shri Ram' as a provocative war cry by the majority community against the minorities. I happened to hear Arnab Goswami asking questions to Aparna Sen - one of the signatories - who refused to answer him because he was partisan! You should have answered it ma'am because we are all keen to know as to why many of you have selective amnesia and are silent on many issues that should have raised your justifiable anger! Sad, we loved and adored you for your work and thought that you were genuine human beings but you've let us down when we needed you the most!

Articles that paint negatively about India in foreign newspapers, obviously, have silent anti-national Indians behind them because what they're peddling are innuendos, half truths and at times, plain lies.

Back home, the parliament sessions have gone into tatters. Important legislation are hanging fire but there doesn't seem to be any sort of urgency to discuss and clear them. Don't these people have the good of the country in their hearts? Or do they fear that Modi will get the accolades if he were to get many bills cleared in this session of the Parliament?

And the BJP needs to keep their loose cannons like Sadhvi Pragya Thakur and Prashant Kanojia under a tight leash. One cannot have extreme views to take centre stage. They should be nipped in the bud!


It was yet another quiet and rainy day. Lekha and I had gone across to the department store to buy vegetables and grocery at around 1100 hrs and yes, Hamid was our 'sa'arthi'! Am deeply worried about Lekha having a cough despite the antibiotic course, that she has been on, for over the last 10 days.


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