Thursday, July 25, 2019

Selective outrage!

So our great 'celebrities' are back to their old tricks again. They tried these stunts during Modi's first term......intolerance, award wapasi.......the names involved in the latest missive to the Prime Minister about burgeoning intolerance are the same.....this represents another sinister attempt to paint our land in poor paint an ancient culture in poor light.....

This letter doesn't speak of the terrible, terrible incident in Assam where a Muslim mob molested a tribal cultural troupe for refusing to strip dance to particular the culmination of Ramadan! This letter doesn't speak of the vandalism that took place at a Durga temple in Old Delhi.....this letter would have had some credibility had it not been so blatantly one sided......these celebrities should have brought out all incidents of violence, irrespective of religious moorings......I can bring forth countless instances of violence perpetrated by the so called victims of Hindu hatred......

The celebrities themselves are people of suspect credentials......some of them with distinctly Naxal credentials.......their main grouse is not about the so called rising intolerance in the country, but their own growing irrelevance in the new dispensation.....hence, these antics to stay in the limelight.....

Now that these celebrities have spoken about Hindu fanaticism, let me narrate the story of a Hindu....he votes for the BJP, is an ardent Modi fan, is proud of the tag Modi Bhakt.....yet he doesn't think twice before bowing his head in prayer at a Mazhar or offering a chaadar with the number 786 emblazoned across it......

Why don't these celebrities accept the infinite wisdom of this ancient heritage which respects all paths to God?

Similarly, there are Muslims and Christians in this country who do not think twice about visiting a Hindu place of worship.....

We had this lady of Bengal, a devout Muslim by faith who took part in a Gita recital programme.....certain clerics of her faith took umbrage to this and declared her a heretic, calling on the faithful of the community to ostracise her socially.....

Yet we did not hear a whimper from our band of celebrities.....

The fact is that a miniscule band of fanatics/bigots, on both sides of the spectrum, have always been trying to foment trouble in this country for decades now.......these mischief mongers never had the benefit of publicity till is only lately that certain celebrities have started crying hoarse about intolerance.

Adoor Gopalakrishnan, Aparna Sen, Ramachandra Guha are some of those who are deeply disturbed over 'rising intolerance' in this country and have lent their 'valued' signatures to the letter.....these eminences were very much in their prime when the minority Kashmiri Pundits got thrown out of their homeland by Islamic fundamentalists......yet they did not let out a squeak of protest......for I guess that was a 'secular' upheaval........

A young Kashmiri actor was forced out of her profession by fundamentalists, yet there was not a word of protest from our enlightened celebrities......


We know these celebrities for what they are, a bunch of pseudo secular intellectuals......we know their leanings and understand their view of history.....and so, they no longer can fool us......which is hurting them....

We shall condemn all attempts at disturbing the peace in our land and NOT be selective in our outrage.......

Because all kinds and forms of VIOLENCE need condemnation!

Received on What'sApp.


Took Lekha to the doctor for review. He has said that her cough is allergic and has given medicines to tackle it. Phew!

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