Saturday, September 18, 2021

The lengthened shadow of PM Narendra Modi.

Today's India is the lengthened shadow of one man. Mr Narendra Modi, the honourable Prime Minister of India.

In the annals of history we find men who rose above others, through the power of their character and genius that changed the course of history. As they had ideas and character beyond their times they were invariably misunderstood too. Be that Pythagoras, Socrates, Jesus, Luther, Copernicus, Galileo or Newton, it happened with everyone. But they stood by their conviction, despite the opposition.

Emerson, the great philosopher says that the essence of the greatness lies in being true to one's own self. That is what I find the greatest virtue in Narendra Modi's personality. As Emerson said, "All history resolves itself very easily into the biography of a few stout and earnest persons".

I believe the history of the rise of the Indian nation when it would be written 50 years from now, would revolve around the biography of one man - Narendra Modi.

The Miracle Birth Of A Nation's Messiah

The collective consciousness of a society in distress and despair also creates its saviour; a great man who leads the society out of the despair where the soil had its civilization contaminated by invaders time and again. So, Narendra Modi.

Modi's journey is like a monk who had to take up politics as a weapon to serve the land that deserves to be known as one of the most dynamic nation on this earth. With him emerging into the power, there has been a growing feeling of unrest, uncertainty, disapproval in India about the economy, social and religious strife. The way Indian civilisational history was trampled by many rulers who never owned up to their mistakes that led to the curtailment of millions of Hindu lives and their rich culture, found refuge in the vision of this one Man. The much needed winds of change and then the Indianness (Hindutva) found its expression in Narendra Modi, who led a movement which has already begun and led it to its victory. He gave voice to the gut feelings of millions. He became the spark that ignited the lost patriotism with the right measure of nationalism mixed into it which spread into the nation's psyche as a must character all countrymen should have.

The great movements of history were not entirely the creation of the great men of history. We, his supporters are those millions of soldiers without whom it would not have been possible. History of today's India when it will be written in future may not name us individually but it will be the biography of this leader who reflects us; us, the common people! Let us stay in solidarity to support the vision of this true son of India, engaged in putting the nation in order.


His strong leadership, fair governance, aimed vision and resilience to bring back the shine on the hue of his motherland is commendable. He has only opposed and deranged visions to the great deeds he is marching on with! Salutes to him on his birthday as he tramples the opposition with ease and elan, staying courageous on his path of excellence.

Narendra Modi is not just a name but a metaphor already! Happy birthday to the most visionary leader of India's contemporary history!

- Adapted from KhalidUmarWrites.

My take

Fully endorse the contents.


Got up at 6, the chores and was ready by a half past 9.

Helped Kailey, my friend, with his article by giving the requisite inputs.

Participated in the Aazhchakkoottam - "Teenagers and Smartphones" - George Joseph, Retired SP, Kerala Police. It was interesting to hear the case studies.

Got the sad news about Jatinder Sidhu who had passed into the mist of time in Chandigarh, today around 1100 hrs. Om Shanti! Sadgati.

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