Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Be kind!

Three things in human life are important.

The first is to be kind.
The second is to be kind.
And the third is to be kind....

Kindness makes us beautiful.

And it costs nothing.
It makes us humble.
It makes us human.
It can transform hearts and
illuminates the world around us.

In the environment that is full of 
violence and conflict, being kind
provides stability.

Show some compassion.
Love the underprivileged.


Got up at 4 thanks to Lekha's cellphone alarm, the chores and was ready by a half past 6, helping Lekha with wearing her saree.

Kannan had come with Archa's car at a 20' to 7 and we set off for Rema's place, where a lovely breakfast of idlis and chutney was provided by her. We set off for Tvpm by a quarter past 8 and reached Gopu's house by a half past 9 and the ceremony had just begun.

It was nice meeting all our family members. We returned by 1. Spent some time with Mini and Ammu at Anjanam before our return to Raj Nivas. 

Dropped Rema and Padmakumar at Vetteelazhikom and reached Raj Nivas soon after. It was raining cats and dogs!

A quiet evening. 

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