Thursday, May 23, 2024

The true power of the NDA.

7 Punjab, before '71 Ops had become mechanised. It was part of 9 Div in the Jessore sector.

Kler, 33 NDA was one of the company second in command in 7 Punjab. During one of the attacks, he was severely injured with a bullet passing through his chest. In the attack, there were several more injured badly.

A helicopter Mi 4 was called in for (cas evac) casualty evacuation. Don't know what is the stretcher capacity but there were more injured than what could be evacuated in the first sortie. The field ambulance doctor had to make a choice as to those who had a chance for survival to be evacuated first. Kler was dangerously injured and his chance for survival was slim and hence did not earmark him for evacuation in the first sortie.

But the helicopter pilot who saw him was either his course mate or squadron mate and he knew him. He insisted that Kler be evacuated in the first sortie and the doctor had to relent.

Kler went on to survive to live another day, left the army and became a successful businessman in Dubai.

My take

This is the power of the NDA!.


Got up around a quarter past 6, the chores and was ready by a quarter to 10.

The maid was at work today. And it was a wet day.

A quiet Thursday!

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