Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Don't complicate life :

* Missing somebody?             Call

* Wanna meet up?                   Invite

* Wanna be understood?         Explain

* Have questions?                   Ask

* Don't like something?          Fix it

* Like something?                   State it

* Want something?                  Work for it

* Love someone?                     Tell them

Keep your life simple!


Got up at our usual time, the chores and was ready by a half past 9. 

Initiated the tapping of the new rubber trees in our compound around Raj Nivas. Transferred money into the caretaker's account for it. It's in three stages :-
       * clear the wild grass from all over the compound
       * apply 100 kgs of rubber mixture
       * once the weather is suitable, commence tapping (Have to zero in on my would-be-tapper).

Lekha's beautician, Seena, comes by before lunch time.

Lekha goes to Malabar Gold, at Chaavakkad, to correct her bangle.

Did the watering of the plants and disposed off the wet/dry waste of the day.

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