Thursday, May 16, 2024

India's unemployment rate down @ 6.7%

India's unemployment rate declines to 6.7% in urban areas in March quarter. The female unemployment rate in the urban areas decreased from 9.2% in Jan-Mar 2023 to 8.5% in Jan-Mar 2024. 

The unemployment rate in the urban areas decreased to 6.7% during the Jan-Mar period from 6.8% a year ago for people aged 15 yrs and above, according to the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO). It is pertinent  to mention that joblessness or unemployment rate is defined as the percentage of unemployed people in the labour force.

Key findings

* Unemployment Rate (UR) in urban areas decreased from 6.8% to 6.7% for persons of age 15 yrs and 

* Female UR decreased from 9.2% in Jan-Mar 2023 to 8.5% in Jan-Mar 2024.

* Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR) in urban areas has shown an increasing trend from 48.5% to
   50.2% during Jan-Mar 2023 to Jan-Mar 2024 respectively for persons of age 15 yrs and above.

* Female Labour Force Participation Rate in urban areas rises from 22.7% to 25.6% during Jan-Mar         2023 to Jan-Mar 2024, reflecting Overall Increasing Trend in LFPR.

* Increasing Trend in Worker Population (WPR) for persons of age 15 yrs and above from 45.2% in
   Jan-Mar 2023 to 46.9% in Jan-Mar 2024.

* Female Worker Population Ratio in urban areas rises from 20.6% to 23.4% during Jan-Mar 2023 to
   Jan-Mar 2024 reflecting Overall Increasing Trend in WPR.

Courtesy. Adapted from the survey

My take

The facts on the ground that one doesn't see being covered by the media. Sad!


Got up at our usual time, the chores and was ready by a quarter to 10.

The maid was at work.

Cut our 33rd Wedding Anniversary cake around 1200 hrs.

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