Wednesday, May 29, 2024


The famous Turkish poet Nazim Hikmat requested his famous painter friend Abidin to make a painting on 'happiness'. So, Abidin made a painting of a family sleeping peacefully on a creaking bed. 

One leg of that bed was broken and two bricks were placed there. The roof of that dilapidated house was also leaking. The dog of the house was also sleeping peacefully on the bed.

This painting of Abidin became immortal.

Look deeply at the immortal painting and think what happiness really is!!

Actually, after seeing the picture, I feel that happiness is not the absence of problems but in accepting the situation of trouble with ease. Try to see the good in whatever you have, no matter how bad the situation is.

Stop being sad about such things which are not in your control. Whenever your heart starts sinking, look at the immortal painting of Abidin. 

Always be satisfied and sleep peacefully.


Got up at a 20' past 5. Went through the chores and was ready by a half past 7.

The Muthappan's puja and the post-lunch one-on-one with him was a great eye opener.

Left Mini's house by 5, went to the Maha Ganapathi kshetram and then, went to Boss workshop. Decided on leaving our car there after the smallest of errors are licked.

Kannan dropped Rema-Padmakumar at Pidavoor, us at Raj Nivas.

A quiet evening, thereafter.

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