Sunday, May 19, 2024

Mind control.

Have you ever wondered why it's so easy to advise others but so hard to control our own actions?

It's common sense : sitting comfortably at home, commenting on how leaders should run the country or how athletes should play. Yet, managing our own lives and families seems challenging. This contradiction highlights a lack of will power and mind control. But it can be changed! The four easy easy ways to increase your willpower and control your mind are :-

1. Stop listening to gossip

2. Make firm decisions and stick to them

3. Practice silence daily

4. Be mindful of your diet

In a nutshell.

Increasing willpower and mind control is about making conscious choices and sticking to them. Stop engaging in pointless conversations, make firm decisions, practice daily silence and eat healthily. These simple steps can lead to a powerful and controlled mind.

Start today and see the difference in your life.

Courtesy. Adapted from an article from Brahma Kumaris


Got up at 6, the chores and was ready by 10. 

A wet day and washed down the Chevy in the rain.

Went through our Sunday chores and shut down The Quarterdeck systematically.

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