Thursday, May 9, 2024

New ICMR guidelines.

Amid rise in diseases caused by unhealthy diet. Eat a varied diet, cut salt and sugar intake and stay physically active are among top guidelines to curb the rise of non-communicable diseases.

Fill Your Plate With Items From 8 Food Groups

The Indian Council of Medical Research said people must source micro and macronutrients from a minimum of eight of the ten food groups it listed. Vegetables, fruits, roots and tubers should form half of the plate. Cereals and nutri-cereals (millets) should make up most of the other half. Pulses, eggs and meat, milk, nuts and oil seeds can be included as per one's dietary preferences.

Diet Responsible For Rising Disease Burden

* As per the guidelines, one must eat 400 grams of vegetables, 100 grams of fruits and 250 grams of 
   cereals and nutri-cereals daily

* The ICMR report said 56.4% of non-communicable disease burden in India is due to unhealthy eating 
   habits, including consumption of highly-processed food items laden with sugar and salt

50% of daily cereal intake should comprise whole grains 


Got up at our usual time, the chores and was ready by a quarter to 10.

After a quick breakfast, off to the bank to drop my cheque for the credit card dues for Apr '24.

Then went to the Petrol bunk to top up fuel in the Chevy but couldn't check tyre pressure as a guy was changing the oil of his two wheeler that would take time.

Changed our program for the weekend and I'll go alone to Tvpm while Lekha stays back here.

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