Monday, May 27, 2024

Rare sighting!

A long-distance migratory bird - the Eurasian or common whimbrel - tagged with a GPS was captured on camera in Chhattisgarh. The bird, after a three-day stay in the state, has now travelled to Orissa. 

The bird had flown mammoth distances and had stopped at Chhattisgarh owing to the presence of wetlands in the Berla area of Bemetara district, about 70 km from Raipur.

Its scientific name is Numenius phaeopus and is also known as the white-rumped whimbrel in North America.

It was tagged by Professor Mathieu Lecorre of the University de La Reunion and the tagging was done on 07 Mar.

My take

Very, very interesting.

Adapted. From the article by Ejaz Kaiser in the NIE


Got up at a half past 5, the chores and was ready by a half past 9.

Around a half past 11, took the Chevy for topping up with fuel and to check tyre pressure and on my return, the mishap took place. Scraped the left quarter with the gate post, causing damage there too.

Shut down The Quarterdeck systematically in the evening.

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