Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Proud to be a veteran...

You know you're a veteran if.....

  1. You can't fathom how people don't understand "military time".
  2. You have a strong distrust for anybody named "Jody".
  3. You can't watch most military dramas because they're so corny and wrong.
  4. You walk fast and your first step is always with your left foot.
  5. You still use the basic training "knife hand" to get your point across.
  6. People are always impressed by how ridiculously fast you eat.
  7. You laugh when you see people on Survivor cry after not seeing their family in two weeks.
  8. You clean your equipment before yourself.
  9. You don't carry things in your right hand.
10. You still refer to everyone around you by their last name.

My take

So proud to be one with most of those traits!


Got up at 4, the chores and was ready by a quarter past 6.

The caretaker had brought in a sack full of mangoes plucked from the trees in our compound! Kicked off from Raj Nivas at a 20' to 7 and then, got the idea. Accordingly, Lekha had called up Mini to find out as to where they were at that point of time. They were going to Mini's friend, at Ponkunnam, whose new house was being opened up.

Waited for them at the petrol pump and they were with us by a quarter to 9. Had breakfast at Dyana's at Adoor. It was nice to have them with us and our drive was very interesting! Dropped them at Changanasserry and resumed our long journey. Though there were weather warnings galore, we'd encountered very less rain enroute.

Lunch at Gokula Nandana, beyond Angamali.

Reached Guruvayur by a half past 2. Picked up fruits, vegetables and fish for the cats. Kittu was our first visitor!

Opened up the house and settled down quickly.



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