Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Leave small fights for small fighters.

Of all the wise quips and proverbs that circulate, this little piece is one of the favourites. The author is not known but the content is reproduced by most motivational speakers. If you want to rise above the scraggle and the scrum of this crazy life, to the dizzy heights of happiness and success, you must learn to choose your battles. Here we go :-

I once asked a very successful person to share her secret with me. She smiled and said, 

"I started succeeding when I started leaving small fights for 
small fighters.
I stopped fighting those who gossiped about me.
I stopped fighting for a cheating partner.
I stopped fighting for attention.
I stopped fighting to meet public
expectation of me.
I left such fights for those who
have nothing else to fight and I 
started fighting for my vision, my
dreams, my ideas and my destiny.

The day I gave up on small fights
was the day I started becoming 
successful.....some fights are not
worth your time. Choose what
you fight for, wisely".

My take

Think big; never think small.

Courtesy. What'sApp


Got up at a half past 3, the chores and we kicked off for Mallan's Dental clinic at a quarter to 6. Had breakfast of idlis, chutney and sambar at the Aryaas, short of Edappalli, at about a half past 7.

Reached the clinic 5' after a half past 9. The doc had taken some time for telling Lekha as to what he was gonna do and to make small talk with us. The whole procedure took about a half an hour.

We returned to Guruvayur soon after and had lunch at the Gokula Nandana off Angamali, around 1.

Reached The Quarterdeck by a half past 3.

A quiet evening thereafter, trying to tie up all the loose ends!

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