Friday, June 7, 2024

This is what a teacher should be!

An old man meets a young man 
who asks him :
"Do you remember me?"
And the old man says no.
The young man tells him he was
his student and the teacher asks :
"What do you do, what do you
do in life?"
The young man answers : 
"Well, I became a teacher".

"Ah, how good, like me?" Asks
the old man. 
"Well, yes.
In fact, I became a teacher
because you inspired me to be
like you".

The old man, curious, asks the
young man at what time he 
decided to become a teacher.
And the young man tells him the
following story :
"One day, a friend of mine, also a
student, came in with a nice new
watch and I decided I wanted it.
I stole it, I took it out of his 
Shortly after, my friend noticed 
that his watch was missing and 
immediately complained to our
teacher, who was you.

Then you addressed the class
saying, "This student's watch
was stolen during classes today.
Whoever stole it, please return

I didn't give it back because I
didn't want to.
You closed the door of the 
classroom and told us all to
stand up and form a circle.
You were going to search our
pockets one by one until the
watch was found.
However, you told us to close our
eyes because you would only
look for his watch if we all had
our eyes closed.

We did as instructed.
You went from pocket to pocket
and when you went through my 
pocket, you found the watch and
took it. You kept searching
everyone's pockets and when
you were done you said "Open
your eyes. We have the watch".

You didn't tell on me and you
never mentioned the episode.
You never said who stole the 
watch either.
That day you saved my dignity
It was the most shameful day of 
my life.

But this is also the day I decided
not to become a thief, a bad
person, etc. You never said
anything, nor did you even scold
me or take me aside to give me a
moral lesson.
I received your message clearly.

Thanks to you, I understood
what a real educator needs to 
Do you remember this episode,
The old professor answered,
"Yes, I remember the situation
with the stolen watch, which I 
was looking for in everyone's
I don't remember you, because I
also closed my eyes while looking".

This is the essence of teaching :
"If to correct you must humiliate;
you don't know how to teach".


Got up at a half past 5, the chores and was ready by 10. Earlier, the lab team had come by to collect blood samples of mine for the PSA check.

Our maid had taken the day off as there was a death in her family.

To the town at 10, to do the following :-
    * drop the credit card owings' cheque at the drop box of the ICICI bank
    * buy herb (Raamacham) for boiling drinking water
    * buy sundries from Harisree Department Store.

An early lunch at a half past 12, followed by siesta. Went to the Rajah Hospital to get my USG (Abdomen) done, as directed by my doc, Satish Bhat.

Retuned after two hours.

A quiet evening.

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