Friday, June 21, 2024

Reading Month (Day 3).

Had got around a 10’ to 6, the chores and got ready leisurely. The early morning cuppa in the dining hall, which has one of its doors opening into the compound, is heavenly stuff. 

There are very many fond memories of serious conversations as well as light hearted banter when all eight of us - dad and mom, me and Lekha, Padmakumar and Rema, Sanil and Mini conglomerated on the table. Achu-Karthika and Mithun-Ammu are the additions after dad and mom have passed into the mist of time - sat for a meal.

Drove to Thalavoor UPS to be on time for the program at a half past 10. The smiling countenance of Mr S Sarma, the Headmaster of the institution received me. Shaji, Thalavoor’s ward member, Madavoor Krishnankutty, a man of letters and Atul, a member of the teaching staff shared space with me on the dais.

It was great to interact with the students, teachers and the parents and as usual, after delivering my speech I’d asked the audience to ask me questions. And the children asked quite a few meaningful ones. Giving two of them :-

(a) Can you describe the most memorable moment with                your grandfather. 
(b) How did you begin to enjoy reading?

We’d lunch together which was part of the noon meal for the children and staff. It was simple and nice with rice, vegetable curry and nutrella nuggets.

As I was moving past, kids came to shake hands with me adding, “You must come again, sir”.


As there was a break in the rain, put all the wet clothes on the clothesline outside.

There was a steady stream of visitors all through the evening with my cousin, Soman giving me ripe bananas from his compound when he came by. Damn sweet of him!

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