Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Unless you've been a soldier.

Unless you've been a soldier,
You just won't understand
The things that we have seen
and done,
In the service of our land.
We were trained to live in
And to deal with awful sights,
That shouldn't be seen by
And keep you awake at nights.

We don't discuss the wounds we
To the body or the mind
We just put our hurts behind us,
And turn our memories blind.
We are proud we served our
But remember those we lost.
For the freedom that you have
They paid the awful cost.

Then the second one

I have been a soldier

I have lived through wars and
I have served in many countries,
And in many different climes.
I have laughed with other
And maybe wept sometimes.
I can tell you lots of stories,
By word of mouth or mimes.
But I prefer to tell my tales,
As simple little rhymes.
For the years I was a soldier,
Were the very best of times.


After a restful night at Rema's house, had got up at a half past 5, the chores and was ready by a quarter past 9. Drove through the rain with Padmakumar showing us the way out of the labyrinthine byroads.

Dropped Rema at Shenoy Care for her review and then went off to Satish Bhat. Returned to Shenoy Care by a half past 12. Cast off from there at a half past 2.

Reached Guruvayur by 6, after buying fruits. Unpacked and settled down at our usual time.

Tomorrow is a long day! 

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