Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Modi 3.0

All that you hear on the TV about the loss of face of the BJP is for various reasons like caste, SC, ST etc is just loose talk.

If Modi has scraped through it is because of his support from a huge middle class in all states where the party candidates have won.

Money pumped in from the US pharma industry, military hardware manufacturers, NGOs like Ford Foundation and drug cartels like Soros (because Rs.86/- to every dollar is peanuts) has managed to buy off the lower class, a fortnight before the ballot @ Rs.15,000/- per family or maybe more.

A 'ganna juice' vendor has inadvertently disclosed this. Modi should have taken Rs.500/- currency notes out of circulation in Dec last year and put an additional lakh sleuths in the RBI to trace source of foreign transfers into the country with strict laws  for tracing FE.

This apart from plenty of money from the CIA operatives clandestinely poured into the hands of the lower class electorate @ almost $200 per family.

Print and visual media payout is separate.

Mind boggling figures can be worked out 40 crore families adding half of that to media houses.

That's the kind of desperation the West was in to break Bharat into subservience. These 40 crores have the potential to be converted to any religion and become slaves for life.

Better reading of economy and ballot required than mere idealistic governance....in the next five years.

And an epilogue to this :-

When dad sets a target for the child to get 99% and the child scores 90%....this is a similar situation. 

The third term of any government has to fight strong anti incumbency. The public is the ultimate and they have given their verdict.

Many foreign governments were not keen that Modi came back to power with a strong mandate. They must have played their games too. But it is a reality in elections anywhere in the world. 

So, now we may have an NDA government with a sobered down BJP.

Courtesy. What'sApp

My take

The doubts about the ECI (Election Commission of India) and the EVMs have curiously vanished!


Got up at our usual time, the chores and was ready by a half past 9.

Got Gireesh to recharge the TATAPLAY accounts in the morning itself.

Was happy that Suresh Gopi has won here! And also happy to note that Modi 3.0 is here!

Couldn't watch Mammootty's ''Turbo" as planned. Sob, sob! 

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