Tuesday, August 31, 2010

China's Duplicity

In continuation with my thoughts of yesterday, I would like to bring out China’s duplicity in its actions directed against our country. And it, definitely, has a sinister pattern!
Towards the run up to the Chinese preparations for the ‘Beijing Olympics of 2008’, a two decade thrust was initiated on building up the infrastructure. The main aim was to showcase the best of China at the time of the Games and almost everything went as per their government’s plans except for the following happenings:-
(a) The massive rallies organized by exiled Tibetans all over the world, as and when the Olympic torch passed through each of the member countries highlighting the repressive nature of the Chinese government that brooked no dissent. Delhi was like a beseiged fortress during the day of the torch run.
(b) At the almost flawless opening ceremony, a good looking girl was shown as the Games’ face, while the voice over was that of a child who’d to remain in the background as she was unfortunately not photogenic enough, to be beamed on the millions of television sets, all over the world!

China was nice with India during the period. But after the successful completion of the Olympics, just see as to what that country has done with regard to Kashmir:-
(a) All foreign media correspondents who visit Tibet are given maps that show Kashmir not as a part of India.
(b) All Kashmiris with Indian passports are given Chinese visa endorsement on a separate sheet of paper implying that they consider such passports as invalid.
(c) Though both India and Pakistan have agreed to solve the Kashmir issue bilaterally, China offered to mediate which was mischievous in intention.
(d) The deployment of Chinese troops in the Gilgit-Baltistan area of Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir - the official explanation being that they’re carrying out civil works – is an irritant (Perhaps, the Siachen issue continues to simmer because of the proximity of Chinese troops?)
(e) And the latest is its denial of the Northern Army Commander’s visit to China just because he has Kashmir under his charge.

In addition to the above, the under mentioned factors also point a finger at China’s intentions:-
(a) The Karakoram highway, through the length of PoK, enables quick movement of Chinese troops in the shortest possible time, on to our western borders.
(b) The unrestricted use of the port of Gwadar at the Arabian Sea, which it had funded and help build.
(c) Three airbases and six more being built in Tibet
(d) Deployment of long range ballistic missiles on Tibetan soil, aimed at various cities of India.
(e) The Quing Hai – Tibet railway line that can shift military resources over long distances.
(f) And finally, to top it all, the media keeps telling us of frequent border skirmishes all along the Sino-Indian border.

But having said all that, China has a lot to worry internally as it has numerous problems. Just to cite one example, the youth yearn for freedom and the rage within is simmering. And from the observations made by many foreign visitors, development has been lopsided and many of the modern facilities are yet to reach the rural landscape.

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