Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Janamashtami - Tonight's Lord Krishna's birthday!

The whole of India is celebrating 'Janamashtami' - the birthday of Lord Krishna tonight. The event is celebrated with verve, vigour and exuberance all over the country but I must admit that it's a trifle more colourful in northern India than in the south.

I must admit to having a sneaky preference to Lord Krishna amongst the pantheon of the Hindu gods. He's the most practical and this aspect is very evident in the Bhagawad Gita which explains life and its intricacies so beautifully through its eighteen chapters. And the way he urges Arjuna, at the end of it all, to do his 'karma' is the most poignant and I quote,

" O' Arjuna,
slain - you'll attain heaven
Victorious - you'll enjoy the earth
Therefore, stand up, O' Arjuna with a resolve to fight".


Scientists who dabble in history, using the tools of the subject of Geology and through a process of carbon dating (alongwith assorted means) of areas where the Mahabharatha and the Ramayana were supposed to have taken place , have established accurate timelines as mentioned below:-

Lord Krishna.

Date of birth 27 Jul 3112 BC.
The Mahabharatha War 22 Nov 3067 BC.
Death 13 Apr 3031 BC.

Sri Rama.

Date of birth 10 Jan 5114 BC.
His exile 05 Jan 5089 BC.
Ravana's killing 04 Dec 5076 BC.

I'm sure there'd be many doubting Thomases and why not - the more, the merrier! Anyways, a very happy Janamashtami to all of you out there!!

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