Monday, February 28, 2011

A hit and a miss.

The hit.

Our coursemate, RK Singh, flew into town this morning for his follow on discussions with the Cochin Shipyard Ltd. He'd invited all of us course mates for a get together in the evening at the hotel that he was putting up. It was a pleasant evening all through and a lot of anecdotes, experiences which were an essential part of our professional growth were exchanged/revisited. We'd much to our delight the famous athlete, Shiny Wilson, supping with her family at the table next to ours. She was sporting enough to let the other diners pose with her for photographs and was full of her infectious smile! Success, thankfully, has not affected her a wee bit!!

Thanks, RK for the wonderful evening!

And the miss!

On return to our cabin, I realised that we'd missed out on the 'Guru Dutt' special on the TV programme, 'Kuch dil ne kaha'. However, the last two numbers could be savoured. A real miss and one felt really sad, hope the retelecast can be viewed!

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