Monday, October 22, 2012

At home for Puja.

Reached home by sunset to be with mom for Puja.

I'd returned from work for lunch and the three of us, Lekha and my nephew, Achu doing his final engineering  had kicked off for home by 1300 h. Achu had kept us regaled with his stories - the usual 'snoozer' on entering any vehicle was wide awake and had us in splits with his anecdotes. I shall pass on a few gems:-

   (a) On being asked about his girlfriends. Oh mama, I'm friendly with many of them and we do
         discuss almost anything under the sun, but none of them has let off sparks. Probably, I'm
         not good enough for their sparks to get ignited. (What we're privy to, however, was that he was
         on a continuous texting spree on his cellphone during breaks in our conversation).

   (b) On his getting the driving licence. Mama, in my group, everyone was convinced that I
         wouldn't clear as I made errors galore during the run up to the tests by over running the 'H' and
         breaking out of the '8'. Probably, that put their expectation levels on me a few notches lower
         which made it easier for me to clear the test, finally.

   (c) On his future plans. Mama, I never look at life too far because I find it comfortable this way.
         The fact that I get attention from each one of you keeps me thrilled and I'm sure only good
         things will happen to me, so why should I worry?

I was on a learning curve and boy, what an experience? This drive shall remain etched in my mind for years!


My mom was thrilled with the photograph of 'Guruvayoorappan' that was bought a fortnight back. And seeing her happy made my day.

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