Monday, October 29, 2012

Assessing another.

Today, I'd planned to write the 'fitness reports' of three of my boys. Each one of them has contributed to the efficient working of the organisation in his own inimmitable way.

At the end of the forenoon session, I'd nothing on my scribble pad except for a few words that I'd made up in my mind to use in each of their pen pictures. But my thoughts did not flow and showed an unusual reluctance to firm up. It remained so even at the end of the afternoon session and a dejected me had carried the pad home to get into the right mood to pen down my thoughts.

The fact that since the three of them are good in their profession and conduct themselves as 'seniors' - worthy of emulation by their subordinates - I do not want to err in any manner in assessing them. The evening walk helped me to reflect upon them and by the end of it, I'd a sketchy script on each. And as I punch in the tabs of my keyboard, my thoughts are getting clearer by the minute. And I shall have the draft pen pictures fine tuned during the train journey to Thiruvananthapuram, tomorrow.

Phew, assessing another is the most difficult task. And I'm gonna show them what I've written and give them the option to correct me if I were wrong, as is my wont on such occasions!


 I shall send the completed reports to the reviewing officer on 31 Oct.

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