Saturday, July 13, 2013

Li'l Shanaya's baptism.

Shanaya is just over a 100 days old. And today has been an important milestone in her life. She'd officially entered the church that she'd continue to visit all through her life - it was the day of her baptism!

She made her arrival known to everyone assembled at the haloed surroundings of the church in her own inimitable way. She cried almost through the entire ceremony. In her mother's words, she was virtually fasting and had not had a feed since morning as she wasn't interested then, despite the offer. Probably, it foretells about her piety and attitude towards religion that she'd have something only after the mandatory prayers - a principled young lady, this!

I'd finished my day's work and was in time to be at the church a trifle past 11 just as the homily was beginning. The head priest outlined as to what would be the course of activities in the hour-long proceedings and the implications of each of his actions. It was tremendously educative and I must admit that I did feel humbled by the dignified and ornate facade of the church along with the solemnness of the occasion.

A ceremonial lunch was laid in a hotel nearby on completion of the proceedings at the church and it was delightful to see the young star of the occasion full of smiles, quite contended and happy with herself. As the entire family - her parents, grandparents, both maternal and paternal and the young ma'asi, who'd specifically flown down from abroad to be at the occasion which was, indeed a great gesture on her part - lined up at the dais, it was a beautiful snapshot for posterity and should definitely find its special place in the li'l one's personal album forever!

I said a small prayer for Shanaya and wished that she gets whatever she wished for in her life.

A Saturday's forenoon well spent! Thanks, li'l Shanaya, for making it happen!!


1. I was amused to see many of my friends at lunch, having given the formalities at the church a miss. No, I ain't ridiculing them - ardent church goers, mind you - because many of them firmly believe that one visit, on Sunday, is more than adequate to keep their god in good humour!

2. Which brings me to my doubt as to whether we really need to visit religious places to show our allegiance to god. I'm sure even god wouldn't want that!!

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