Saturday, August 24, 2013

Another tamasha in the offing!

The Vishwa Hindu Parishad's march to Ayodhya, this coming Sunday, is to score brownie points towards making their stand on building a 'Ram temple' out there. The ruling Samajwadi party is also gonna score similar points when their police forces would stop the marchers on their tracks as they'd be seen as saviours supposedly, the interests of the Muslim community!

What a sham? The two sides seem to have assumed that the entire population of this country are dimwits that lack basic intelligence. Who cannot make out that this is a game being played out by the two sides in the hope of scoring an advantage in the next round of electoral politics!

Hope that the entire pantomime goes off peacefully and we shall see the goings on of that 'reality show', live from the spot, on our television screens!


This Sunday's, therefore, gonna be busy for all of us. What a farce on a non-issue? 

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