Monday, August 12, 2013

Observing mom...........and reminiscences.

It's mom's first full day with us. And I was on an observer's role to list down her difficulties and the problems that she faced during the course of the daily chores. It was mentally taxing - emotions had to be kept in check - as every detail had to to be recorded before consulting the doctor.

Her right knee is bothering her. The pain is being controlled with the help of oils, prescribed by the ayurveda doctor. It's further augmented by a crepe bandage applied at different intervals. Consequently, she's been moving around the house a bit more than what she did yesterday!

........It seemed like it was only yesterday that she used to walk to the branch post office of which she was the head for over 32 yrs. And mind you, there were no buses plying on the route as the road was yet to become motorable. The stretch of about 3 kms had a steep, upward gradient towards the post office end with a flight of steps to reach the summit! 

She watches the television but gets distracted very fast. And then she hits the bed slipping into deep slumber within no time. This exercise was repeated all through the day. Is she finding difficulty in concentrating on small things?

.........Till very recently, she used to be hooked on to the television programmes. There were certain favourites that used to be avidly followed and I remember how angry she'd be if there was an unscheduled power interruption during the course of her favourite soaps!

Her intake of food has become less but she continues to follow her maxim of 'eat to live and at the right time' while insisting on us having a generous helping. She'd wait for me to get back from work to have lunch together and she times her supper to suit our timings.

..........At home, she'd always insisted upon breaking bread together. She used to savour those times when the whole family - dad from his workplace and me from my boarding school days - was in attendance! Her menus were well spread and to the extent feasible, never repeated or repeated after a reasonable lapse of time!! 

She'd turned to her bed a trifle after 10 and Lekha and me had continued to do our chores for another hour before turning in. Uninterrupted sleep seemed to evade mom and she was busy in her own world, shifting the position of her pillows, putting back the crease of her 'mundum neriyathum' into place a bit too often and frequently switched on the light to have a look at the wall clock to see as to what the time was. And she tells me that it's very difficult for her to pass the night. Seeing my lost look, she laughed as if to say that she fully well knew that she was being frivolous but couldn't help it and perhaps, not to laugh at her discomfiture.....

............Was reminded of the times she'd sung a host of her favourite lullabies and rocked me and my sisters' cradles so that we'd a blissful and comfortable sleep!


Life in reality. But why should my mom suffer? Just telling you mom, I'm near you always and every time! 


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