Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Do we've to fake emotions?

I've never been able to follow the others on this aspect. My emotions are my own and it has to be spontaneous according to the situation. One doesn't have to impress the others or prepare for photo op while expressing one's genuine feelings. Period!

I'd called up an elderly gentleman to convey my condolences on the death of his older brother, who was in his late 70s. He was quite enthusiastic on hearing me and was exuberant in his conversation. After querying about our stay in the new surroundings and inquiring about my mom, there was a brief pause in the conversational chain when I'd broached the topic and offered my condolences. There was an instant transformation in his conversational twang, he became absolutely serious and gave me the feeling that he   regretted his earlier exuberance!

As I inquired about his brother's last days, his medical condition etc he answered in monosyllables almost choking on his words. Was his reaction because of my raking up the painful event all over again when he'd already put it behind him? Or was it because he'd to 'feel sad' whenever someone revisited the unfortunate incident to be 'propah'?

There could be so many reasons when the death of a sibling doesn't evoke deep emotions in people. Perhaps, the relationship between them might not have been there at all due to some reasons, personal. Fine, let it be so and one does not expect anyone to display misplaced feelings. Reality of life, that's all to it and one doesn't take it as amiss on the person exhibiting appropriate emotions!


The gentleman spoke for another couple of minutes before he handed over the telephone receiver to his wife. I could sense his tremendous relief while handing me over to her! ......Or was it all my imagination?

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