Friday, July 4, 2014

The chirpy young lady!

It was siesta time and each of us were engaged within our personal space. Mom was browsing the newspapers for the nth time, Lekha was watching her favourite soap on the television and I was looking into the Foundation's mail that needed urgent attention. And each of us would eventually drift to sleep, albeit, for a short while.

Suddenly, the doorbell had chimed and with irritation, I'd trudged down the stairs with every intention of giving the short shrift to the unwanted intruder. But it was a young lady, in the garb of a salesgirl, with useful household articles and I did not have the heart to shoo her off and instead, handed her over to Lekha to buy items for which she did not have to make a foray into the market, later. I'd gone back to my work soon after.

Almost a half an hour later, I found that the young lady had both mom and Lekha in rapt attention, listening to her life story. Her parents are quarry workers and with their meagre earnings, had ensured that both their daughters got a good education. The young lady has just completed her engineering, specialising in electronics and was awaiting her results. She'd taken on the door-to-door marketing of household ware, promoted by a company that offered volunteers, like her, a tidy sum for their efforts. Her reason for taking up this job was to meet people from a wide cross section and she, definitely has the gift of the gab. In fact, by this time, she'd admirers in both my mom and Lekha and I, too, couldn't resist her charms!

Her sister is into the second year of engineering. And as she took leave of us, she'd ensured that Lekha had bought a couple of articles worth Rs.500/-, walked mom in the courtyard for a while regaling her with her yarn and promised to visit us yet again.


An enterprising youngster who has a great future ahead. May god be with her in her endeavour!    

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