Monday, July 7, 2014

Genuine help gets disgusting returns....

I'd gone to meet a classmate of mine, who's the Senior Manager of a bank, this morning. I must admit that I'd passed by a number of times before but had neither willed myself nor found the time to call on him. But today, it's a determined me who'd walked in and it turned out to be an experience!

As we caught up with each other, there was a stream of his clients who'd walked in seeking his advice, help or just to say a hello and he dealt with each and everyone with humility, providing the requisite assistance or returning the salute with equal verve! The values that he'd imbibed while at school seem to be on a natural flow and that's the reason for him to have become quite sought after and popular among his customers!!

Somewhere in between our conversation, Thomas, a small scale farmer, had come by based on the bank's intimation about an attractive financial assistance for people like him. He'd a coconut farm and he also indulged in paddy cultivation. Growing used to our company, he did tell us a strange tale. Years back, he'd got a pathway made that provided a shortcut for the local villagers and had considerably reduced the distance to the market. The mud road skirted his property that boasted of a clean water tank, within his compound, whose water was potable and used for drinking purpose. He'd also emphasised upon the fact that he'd not taken any compensation for giving up his land for the now motorable pathway.

But he bemoans the fact that today, the water tank stands polluted with the passersby dumping waste, without compunction, as they pass by through the pathway. He's now patiently waiting for the tank to be filled up with muck to cover it with earth, once for all. As the elderly gentleman told his story, he seemed to harbour neither anger nor any ill will towards his neighbours but cites it as yet another example of gratitude having a very momentary shelf life.

I salute your spirit, Mr. Thomas! People of your breed are becoming a rarity in today's dog-eats-dog world!!


I'd intended to give a handshake to my classmate, while taking leave, keeping in mind the formal occasion. But he'd come around his table to give me a hug which threw me off balance, albeit, temporarily. It, indeed, showed the class spirit!      

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