Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I & me - in retrospective!

The day has been characteristically dull, all through, with a bit of the sun around noon. And then it rained and rained creating numerous puddles all over the city but must hasten to add that the traffic wasn't affected. I did not take any chance in that I'd gone for my customary evening walk, armed to the teeth against the cold, with a hooded windcheater and an umbrella.

Today's my birthday and it was nice to hear from friends, right from the morning, who'd called up to catch up from where we'd left last. A high tea was hosted for the entire office staff on the occasion. But the surprise was in the evening when Lekha and my uncle, who's currently on a short visit, had organised a small party in my honour with a few close friends of ours who are currently here at Delhi. I must sheepishly confess that I like celebrating my birthdays and receiving gifts - I'm still a child, you see!

I've done an audit on my life thus far and have come to the firm conclusion that I've got almost everything that I've wanted though I'd be kidding if I were to say that there've been no disappointments. I believe in Aristotle's saying that every individual is allowed to draw whatever resources one requires from the surrounding environment and society till the age of 30, after which, one's required to give back one's resources to that very same society, in gratitude.

Towards this end, I too have been contributing my mite that I'd rather keep as a secret within me because bragging about it just makes one's actions look contrived and hankering for publicity!

Incidentally, my birthday as per the Malayalam calender is on 05 Dec and all my relatives would do the honours on that day. So you see, I've two birthdays every year!!

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