Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My mom's green signal!

My mom has finally given the green signal for undergoing surgery of the cataract in both her eyes. She's been strongly opposing surgery and was insistent, thus far, that she doesn't have any such problem - at 76, she considers herself young to be inflicted with the problem. The process of ageing has more to do with the mind and I too, had played along with her belief much to the amusement of my sisters!

We'd gone to the nearest unit of the Vasan Eye Care where she went through all the tests and the ophthalmologist told her, in no uncertain terms, that the cataract in both her eyes had ripened and required immediate removal. My mom tried to convince the doctor that an upgraded pair of spectacles should do the needful but thankfully, he was gently firm with his medical advice!!

Knowing my mom, she's dead scared of 'operation theatres' and that was the main reason for her wishing away the inevitable till now. As she went through the various stages of examination, prior to the surgery, I found her to be allaying her fears by being excessively talkative to the numerous attendants and technicians that she came by. She'd also insisted on seeing the surgeon who was to do the surgery on her and after her interaction with him, has come away convinced that she's in safe hands!!!

In the process, she'd become a source of entertainment to all those around but has already picked up quite a few well wishers and friends, in the bargain!

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